Matthew Boisseau

Qualifications: LLB (Hons I, University Medal), BSc (Biochemistry) (Flinders)

Memberships:  Law Society of South Australia, Public and Administrative Law Committee, Australian Institute of Administrative Law, Australian Association of Constitutional Law

Matthew was admitted to practice in 2011.

Matthew practices broadly in commercial and public law, accepting briefs in areas including commercial and civil litigation, tort (including medical negligence), professional disciplinary, environment and planning law, regulatory criminal law, wills and estates, and employment and worker’s compensation. Matthew has particular expertise in public and administrative law matters (including constitutional law) and resolving complex issues of statutory construction.

Prior to joining the bar, Matthew was counsel in the Crown Counsel Section of the Crown Solicitor’s Office. In 2016 and 2017, Matthew was a trial prosecutor with the State Director of Public Prosecutions.

Recent matters of note include (unled unless otherwise specified):

  • Coleman v Police [2024] SASCA 30 – statutory interpretation and criminal law.
  • SkyCity Adelaide Pty Ltd v Treasurer of South Australia [2024] SASCA 14 – contractual construction and State taxation (led by T Golding KC)
  • EDF v Super SA [2023] SACAT 68 – insurance, application of exclusion clause
  • Varnhagen & Anor v State of South Australia [2022] SASC 108 – judicial review (led by M Wait SC, with B Garnaut)
  • Police v Irlam [2021] SASCFC 13 – statutory construction and traffic law
  • TSC v Department for Health and Wellbeing [2021] SASCA 93 – decision-making capacity
  • KMC v Director of Public Prosecutions (2020) 267 CLR 480 – constitutional law, Kable doctrine (led by C Bleby SC, with F McDonald)
  • Vella v Commissioner of Police (NSW) (2019) 269 CLR 219 – constitutional law, Kable doctrine (led by C Bleby SC)
  • BC v Public Advocate (No 4) [2019] SASC 57 – habeas corpus, guardianship

Areas of Practice - read more

  • Administrative Law & Judicial Review
  • Appeals
  • Commercial, Property & Bankruptcy
  • Common Law & Personal Injury
  • Constitutional & Public Law
  • Contract Law
  • Coronial Inquests, Inquiries & Commissions
  • Criminal Law
  • Immigration & International Law
  • Insurance Law
  • Local Government, Environment & Planning
  • Occupational Health and Safety
  • Professional Liability
  • Wills, Probate, Inheritance, Trusts and Equity
  • Workers Compensation, Employment & Industrial Law
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