Jane Alexander

Clerk of Chambers

jalexander@hzc.com.au or clerk@hzc.com.au.

Howard Zelling Chambers has one support staff member. Jane Alexander is our Clerk of Chambers, who joined us in January 2013.

Jane has over 20 years experience in the legal industry. Before joining Howard Zelling Chambers, she worked for seven years as a legal secretary, followed by five years as a chambers clerk at another chambers. She was also the Administrator of the South Australian Bar Association for seven years.

She is able to assist with queries and provide information about our barristers, including their areas of expertise and experience. She is also able to assist with general matters regarding chambers.

Away from work in a volunteer role, Jane is the Media Manager for an anti-poaching unit in South Africa.

Jane can be contacted via email at jalexander@hzc.com.au or clerk@hzc.com.au.

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